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Tsai, Y. (2025). Translation Politics and Terminology in University Regulations. In R. Meade, C. Shih, & K.H. Kim (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of East Asian Translation (pp. 243-256). Routledge. Tsai, Y. (2024). Translating University Regulations . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Tsai, Y. (2021). Diachronic observation of lexical and syntactic patterns in English translations of Taiwan patent texts . Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice , 29(6), 865-885. Tsai, Y. (2020). A corpus study of the diachronic development of Chinese patent terminologies . Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 7(1), 52-66. He, Y. & Tsai, Y. (2018). Intralingual Translation of Patent Claims in Taiwan and China: A Corpus-based Comparison of Collocations and Word Use . Studies of Translation and Interpretation , 22, 45-66. Tsai, Y. (2017). Patent Translation . In C. Shei & Z.M. Gao (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation (pp. 432-448). Routledge. Tsai, Y. (2017). Linguistic evaluation of translation errors in Chinese-English machine translations of patent titles . FORUM – International Journal of Interpretation and Translation , 15(1), 142-156. Tsai, Y. (2015). Examining Patent Translation from a Paratextual Perspective . Compilation and Translation Review , 8(2), 121-140. Tsai, Y. (2015). A study of intralingual association of patent texts in China and Taiwan . Studies in English Language and Literature , 35, 115-130. Tsai, Y. (2015). Technology advancement and patent translation . Journal of Translation Technology , 1(1), 63-82. Tsai, Y. (2014). Quantitative Analysis of Patent Translation . The Journal of Specialised Translation , 21, 52-70. Tsai, Y. (2012). The use and misuse of high frequency nouns in English translations of Chinese patent abstracts . FORUM – International Journal of Interpretation and Translation , 10-2:161-186. Tsai, Y. (2010). Redundancy of English Translations of Chinese Patent Abstracts and its Effects on Accuracy, Readability and Reader Perception, and Implications for Quality Assurance in Professional Practice . (PhD). Newcastle University, Newcastle. Tsai, Y. (2008). Supply and Demand Analysis of Patent Translation . Translation Journal , 12(3). Tsai, Y. (2024). Student Translators’ Perceptions of Translator–computer Interaction in Collaborative Drama Translation Practice . Journal of Translation Studies , 8(2), 91-116. Tsai, Y. (2020). Collaborating in a Flipped Translation Classroom: The Student Perception . T&I Review , 10(2), 49-73. Tsai, Y. (2020). Collaborative translation in the digital age . Research in Language , 18(2), 119-135. Tsai, Y. (2018, Jul). What Can We Learn from Translation Certificate Examinations? A Comparison of High Performing and Low Performing Translations . Studies of Translation and Interpretation , 21, 1-18. Tsai, Y. & Tsai, A. (2017). Flipped Translation Training: The Student Perception . Studies in English Language and Literature , 39, 187-206. 蔡毓芬. (2015). 運用學習者語料庫探討學生譯文的被動語態和形容詞子句 . 英語教學 , 39(1), 127-147. Tsai, Y. (2013). Technology-induced pedagogy in the translation classroom . Studies in English Language and Literature , 31, 65-74. 蔡毓芬、蔡自青(2012)。學生選修翻譯課程的學習動機探討 。淡江外語論叢 ,20,57-72。 蔡毓芬. (2011). 探討國際間政府單位及業界所採用的翻譯品質評量方式. 載於高照明(主編), 應用語言學論文集 (130-143)。臺北:文鶴出版社。 Translating Children’s Books
Tsai, Y. (2022). Translators’ manipulation of texts: the case of children’s books on gender equality . Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice , 30(6), 996-1011. Tsai, Y. (2013). The Significance of Texts in Children’s Picture Books. In V. Pellatt (Ed.), Text, Extratext, Metatext and Paratext in Translation (pp. 91-102). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.